
Original investigational product
List of clinical studies

BCD-100 (international non-proprietary name: prolgolimab) is a monoclonal antibody, an original investigational product for human use being developed for the treatment of melanoma and other malignancies.

A monoclonal antibody is a protein created by scientists in a laboratory, similar to the natural antibodies of the immune system, designed to bind to a specific target in the human body1.

BCD-100 binds specifically to the PD-1 protein (programmed cell death protein)2.

  1. Weiner LM, Surana R., Wang S. Monoclonal antibodies: versatile platforms for cancer immunotherapy. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2010;10(5):317–27.
  2. Tyulyandin S. A., Fedyanin M. Yu., Semiglazova T. Yu., Moiseenko V. M., Odintsova S. V., Alekseev B. Ya. et al. BCD-100 – first Russian PD-1 inhibitor. Journal of Modern Oncology. 2017;19(3):5–12.

This section of the website contains information about an unauthorized investigational product for medical use.