
Original investigational product
List of clinical studies

BCD-132 (international non-proprietary name: divozilimab) is a monoclonal antibody, an original investigational product for human use being developed for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.

A monoclonal antibody is a protein created by scientists in a laboratory, similar to the natural antibodies of the immune system, designed to bind to a specific target in the human body1.

Such a target for BCD-132 is CD20 protein2 on B cells3. Binding of BCD-132 to CD20 leads to the destruction of B cells and a decrease in their number in the body, which results in decreased activity of the immune system associated with autoimmune diseases.

The efficacy and safety of divozilimab have been studied in non-clinical studies in animals. Clinical studies of BCD-132 in humans are ongoing4.

In the clinical trial, BCD-132 (divozilimab) is administered intravenously. To reduce the risk of infusion-related reactions, all subjects are premedicated prior to administration5 of divozilimab. The research physician closely monitors the patient’s condition throughout their treatment and will take all necessary actions to manage adverse events if they occur.

  1. Breedveld FC. Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies. The Lancet. 2000;355(9205):735-40.
  2. CD, cluster of differentiation. Clusters of differentiation are structures on the surface of immune cells that have various functions. Immune cells can be distinguished by a set of clusters of differentiation.
  3. B cells are immune cells that play an important role in the immune response associated with the production of antibodies that specifically recognize and bind to bacterial or viral proteins. Sometimes they are involved in the production of antibodies against the body.
  4. Boyko O. V., Boyko A. N., Yakovlev P. A., Zinkina-Orikhan A. V., Kotov S. V., Linkova Yu. N. et al. Results of a phase I clinical study of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (BCD-132): pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and safety. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry = Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova. 2019;119(10, vyp. 2):87–95. (In Russ.)
  5. Premedication is a set of therapeutic measures aimed at preventing complications during drug administration.

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