
Originator investigational product
List of clinical studies

BCD-281 is a monoclonal antibody being developed as a biosimilar to Ocrevus® (international non-proprietary name: ocrelizumab).

A monoclonal antibody is a protein made by researchers in the laboratory; it is equivalent to the natural antibodies produced by the immune system and is designed to bind to a particular target in the human body1.

BCD-281 is one of BIOCAD drug products under clinical development.

Ocrelizumab selectively binds to the CD20 receptor on the surface of B cells leading to their depletion and contributing to the decrease of multiple sclerosis activity.2

  1. Weiner L. M., Surana R., Wang S. Monoclonal antibodies: versatile platforms for cancer immunotherapy. Nature Reviews Immunology. 2010;10(5):317–27.
  2. Rae-Grant A., Day G. S., Marrie R. A., Rabinstein A., Cree B. A. C., Gronseth G. S. et al. Practice guideline recommendations summary: Disease-modifying therapies for adults with multiple sclerosis: Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology. 2018;90(17):777–88.

This section of the website includes information about a non-authorized investigational drug product for human use.